Client-Partner Case Study:
Improvements: SEO and Paid Media Demand Gen

Growth in leads from Google Ads, with 73% reduction in CPL

Increase in organic search visibility

Growth in leads from LinkedIn ads, with 55% reduction in CPL

Demand gen wins during 5-way merger
While merging five brand websites into one new branded domain, Apiary was tasked with mitigating SEO risk of existing rankings while integrating SEO best practices into the new brand website, and simultaneously keeping the lead pipeline flowing.
Over the course of 12 months, Apiary reviewed, analyzed and mapped over 16,000 redirects, built a future-proof SEO strategy, provided SEO content recommendations, and streamlined the optimization pipeline.
We also migrated and restructured paid media programs for 7 legacy brands into a streamlined program, upgraded campaigns to align with industry best practices, and launched lead gen form testing.